Say thank you by sharing your story of how a Nurse at Rangely District Hospital made a difference!

Who can nominate a nurse?
Anyone can submit a nomination—coworkers, physicians, patients, patient families, visitors, staff members and administrators—who experiences or observes extraordinary and compassionate care being provided by a deserving RDH Nurse.
How do I nominate a nurse?
Nomination forms are available online at rangelyhospital.org or by contacting us at (970)675-5011. One of the keys to this program’s impact is the stories of compassionate care it brings to light. The nomination form at the bottom of the page has room for a story exemplifying why you think this Nurse should be considered for a DAISY Award.
How does RDH celebrate and recognize award winners?
One DAISY award recipient is honored annually at the “DAISY Day” ceremony. They receive a framed certificate, a DAISY Award signature lapel pin and a stone sculpture from Zimbabwe, entitled "A Healer's Touch."
How are nurses chosen to receive The DAISY Award?
The prestigious DAISY Award is an ongoing program, given to a deserving nurse each year based on criteria established to meet RDH’s mission and values. The RDH Nursing Department, which sponsors the recognition program, selects award recipients in collaboration with a committee that includes admnistration, employees and community members that are right here in Rangely!
The DAISY Mission Statement
The DAISY Foundation expresses gratitude to Nurses with programs that recognize them for the extraordinary compassionate, skillful care they provide patients and families. By honoring compassionate nurses, DAISY reinforces the importance of compassion in healthcare.
In 1999, at the age of 33, Patrick Barnes was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia). His family was fortunate to spend the eight weeks of Patrick’s hospitalization with him. During those weeks, they experienced the best of nursing. While they expected great clinical care, they did not expect the incredible kindness and compassion shown to Patrick and them every day, even when Pat was completely sedated. It eased their minds, and the nurses' sensitivity to the situation made a great difference in the hospital experience. The nurses helped the family through the darkest hours of their lives with soft voices of comfort and strong, loving hugs.
After Pat died, the Barnes family knew they wanted to honor him, to somehow turn their grief into something that would help fill the giant hole in their hearts that Patrick’s passing had left. The family kept coming back to conversations about his nurses, and that’s when they decided to say “Thank You” for the gifts nurses give their patients and families every day, just as they had experienced. Pat’s wife, Tena, developed the acronym DAISY, which stands for Diseases Attacking the Immune System.

Rangely District Hospital Nominations
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